Anson Burlingame, 1868

“There is no spot on earth where there was been greater progress made within the past few years than in the Empire of China. She has expanded her trade, she has reformed her revenue system, she is changing her military… she has built or established a great school, where modern science and the foreign languages are to be taught… China now itself seeks the West… she has come forth to meet you.”
Chinese Translation of our Foundation Mission
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The Burlingame Foundation commemorates the life and work of 19th Century statesmen Anson Burlingame as a means of fostering a collaborative network of educational institutions between the United States, China and other nations throughout the world to inspire mutual trust, respect and collaboration in addressing the challenges of the 21st Century.

Burlingame was Ambassador to China from 1861 to 1867, and was also Ambassador to All the Treaty Powers (including the U.S.) from 1867 to 1870.

In his obituary, Mark Twain wrote: “In real greatness, ability, grandeur, and achievement, he stood head and shoulders above all the Americans of to-day, save one or two… He was a good man, and a very, very great man. America lost a son, and all the world a servant, when he died.”